AHD Camera System Features

ahd camera system

AHD Camera System Features

AHD technology surpasses HD-SDI and 960H analog cameras with a high definition video transmission distance of up to 500 meters. It also offers better image clarity and wider color representation.

AHD also has the advantage of using Siamese cabling, where the power and signal run in one cable. This makes installation quick and easy.

High Definition

When it comes to surveillance cameras, high definition is the standard. This is because HD camera footage offers much higher resolutions and can capture finer details, such as faces, license plate numbers and other important information. HD also makes it easier to identify details in low-light conditions.

What is more, high-resolution cameras are a great choice for use as a crime deterrent. They are able to clearly capture any illegal activities, which can provide useful evidence for legal proceedings.

HD cameras come in a variety of resolutions, from 420 TVL (what you see on most Big solar wireless security cameras Box store security systems) up to 1080p. There are also 4K resolutions available, which offer superior image quality and detail, but they require a lot more storage and bandwidth than HD cameras.

Despite the advantages of HD cameras, there are some disadvantages to consider as well. For one, HD cameras are only compatible with recording devices that support HD video, which means that if you’re using an older analog recorder, it won’t be able to properly record high-resolution footage.

Another drawback to HD surveillance systems is that they have limited remote access capabilities compared to IP cameras, which can be accessed from a web browser or mobile device without any additional hardware. Finally, HD cameras are generally more expensive than their analog counterparts.

Wide Dynamic Range

Wide Dynamic Range is a feature that allows CCTV cameras to cope with extreme lighting conditions. It works by capturing two pictures at varying exposure levels and merging them into one image that shows detail in both the brightest and darkest areas of the scene. This technology is available in March Networks IP cameras, and it can be switched on or off in the camera settings menu depending on the scene being recorded.

In the past, CCTV cameras that didn’t have WDR could struggle to capture high-contrast scenes. For example, a well-lit entrance hall with natural daylight and ambient interior lighting would often confuse the camera, resulting in dark and indistinguishable shadows or overexposed highlights. WDR was ahd camera system developed to combat these difficulties and make it easier to monitor scenes with harsh, inconsistent lighting.

To achieve its impressive results, March Networks’ WDR cameras use a combination of algorithms to lighten or darken different parts of the scene. This means that they can effectively capture darker areas without overexposing lighter areas or creating noise, which can sometimes happen with digital WDR. As a result, these cameras can offer more detail than standard CCTV cameras in high-contrast environments like busy office spaces and parking lots. This makes them an excellent choice for businesses that need to be able to monitor traffic and other important events in high-light or low-light environments.

Infrared Night Vision

Many criminal elements operate after dark, so having a night vision camera is a big plus. The human eye can see different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which we call “visible light.” Most cameras pick up this visible light and combine it with infrared wavelengths that our eyes cannot see. This combination makes the image appear bright to our eyes.

Most security cameras that offer infrared (IR) night vision use built-in LED lights that surround the lens and turn on when it is dark outside. The camera uses a specialized IR filter to prevent bright visible light from affecting the video, and it beams infrared on its field of view.

The IR sensor in the camera is sensitive to infrared light and turns it into a thermal image. The sensor’s detector elements scan the scene and convert the reflected infrared into an electrical signal that is then converted to a picture by the image intensifier tube. An analog IR camera produces a black-and-white picture with a green image hue, while digital IR cameras typically produce a monochrome image.

While IR night vision is not as clear as the naked eye, it can be used in total darkness with minimal ambient light. For example, a security camera with IR night vision can detect the heat signature of a person hiding behind a wall or in a box. Some infrared cameras can even detect fever and can help keep companies safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies such as Speedir have developed a state-of-the-art thermal device that provides mass fever detection to keep employees safer on the job.

Siamese Cabling

A Siamese cable carries both video and power signals on the same wire run. This allows you to keep your cable runs as short as possible while still ensuring a strong and consistent signal. They’re available in a variety of thicknesses, which will determine how far they can transmit data before losing quality. Most security camera systems use RG-59 Siamese cables, which are thick enough to ensure high-quality video signals but thin enough that they can be easily worked with.

Typically, these cables have one BNC connector for the video and a standard 12v power connector. They can be purchased on spools so that you can create your own custom lengths, or in premade cable that is ready to connect to your cameras and DVR. Depending on your installation needs, you may also need to purchase BNC and power pigtails or connectors for the ends of the wire.

The power portion of a Siamese cable is made up of two 18-gauge copper wires that are red (positive) and black (negative). It’s important to make sure that you are connecting the correct end of the wire to your camera and power supply. If the wrong connections are made, you could damage your camera or even start an electrical fire.

Some premade Siamese cables have the BNC and power connectors already attached, making them much easier to install. However, these are often sold in fixed lengths such as 50ft or 100ft, and they can be difficult to tailor to specific site requirements.

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