Benefits of an Underwater Treadmill
Benefits of an Underwater Treadmill
An underwater treadmill provides a unique opportunity to exercise with reduced impact. It allows patients to perform walking, running and sports-specific activities without the bodyweight and joint stress experienced on land.
It also pumps up cardiovascular stamina. This is due to the fact that turbulence in water increases exertion levels.
Whether you’re injured or just want to improve your running performance, an underwater treadmill can help you achieve your goals. The large, cushioned treadmill allows you to simulate walking or running with minimal impact on your joints and muscles. The resistance of the water changes as you exercise, making it easier or harder to run as needed. In fact, elite runners like Galen Rupp use the aquatic treadmill to increase mileage and recover from hard workouts.
In addition to improving strength and agility, the warmth of the water relaxes joints and reduces pain. Patients with osteoarthritis, for example, often find relief from joint pain in the knees and hips after hydrotherapy sessions. Moreover, it helps Underwater treadmill them to build muscle endurance and strengthen their balance and gait.
Water therapy is also useful for preventing and treating injuries to the leg muscles, ankles, and feet. For instance, it is an effective treatment for achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and iliotibial band syndrome. It also helps athletes to rehabilitate after running injuries, including ACL surgery.
Many physical therapists offer hydrotherapy services at their clinics and health centers. They recommend it for people who have bone and muscle problems, such as osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. The therapy also helps people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. It also reduces stress levels and enhances sleep quality.
Unlike traditional land-based treadmills, the self-contained underwater treadmill provides precise water depth and incline control for optimal patient therapy. The equipment also allows the veterinary team to exercise patients at a variety of speeds to improve strength, range of motion and endurance. Additionally, the underwater treadmill can be used with water-filled weights to amplify resistance.
The buoyancy of water eliminates from 20% to 90% of an individual’s body weight, which significantly reduces joint compression and pain during workouts. This makes the treadmill ideal for individuals with injuries and arthritis. In addition, the aquatic treadmill can be used in conjunction with therapeutic warm water to provide additional pain relief.
Although the hydrotherapy treadmill can help patients with a variety of conditions, it is not recommended for pets who are in surgery or have open wounds. These dogs should wait to use the treadmill until their incisions are healed and their veterinarian clears them for swimming or bathing. This will prevent the incisions from dissolving too quickly and causing infections.
Dogs that are overweight may also experience some difficulty using the treadmill. However, these dogs can usually be exercised safely on the treadmill if their heart and respiratory rates are carefully monitored. It is also important that the veterinary team supervises the pet closely to ensure they do not overdo their exercise and cause further injury.
Many patients appreciate the convenience of using an underwater treadmill. The machine has an adjustable speed and resistance setting that allows it to be used by individuals of all ages and abilities. Some people find it easier to exercise on the treadmill than on a traditional land-based treadmill, and they can even start walking exercises almost immediately due to the water’s buoyancy and resistance.
The water in an underwater treadmill is usually fairly warm, which helps relax joints and Underwater treadmill ease pain. The weight reduction of the water also provides a good level of cardiovascular exercise, improving on-ground physical stamina. In addition, the turbulence generated by jets on some units can increase the exertion level of the workout.
In most cases, an underwater treadmill is a much safer and more convenient way to exercise than swimming. This is particularly true for elderly and arthritic dogs who might otherwise have difficulty exercising on land. Additionally, the ability to begin exercising muscles sooner can help keep a dog’s spirits up during an injury recovery process that may be frustrating.
While the underwater treadmill is a great way to get back on your feet faster, it’s not appropriate for all injuries. For example, if your dog has a cast or is recovering from surgery, you’ll need to wait until the doctor clears them for hydrotherapy. In addition, dogs who are still in the healing stages of cruciate ligament repairs or FHO will need to wait until they’re completely healed before starting hydrotherapy.
Although an underwater treadmill can be quite expensive, it is often worth the investment. Having access to the equipment allows for more rehabilitation time, quicker recovery times, and increased quality of life.
Walking in water is more challenging than on land and a little more dangerous, but it is a good way to improve balance and strength. It also helps retrain the proper biomechanics that are lost with injury or ageing. It is important to find a trained therapist to ensure the safe use of the equipment and that you are receiving the best results.
Some pets are afraid of the belt moving under their feet or find it difficult to maintain a steady stride, but these obstacles are easily overcome with careful therapeutic handling from an experienced therapist. Many clients who have never used the equipment are apprehensive at first, but this soon disappears as they see how beneficial it is.
If a patient is tetraparetic (paraplegic), it is recommended to have two or three people in the water with them to help stabilize and work with their back limbs. This prevents head submersion and provides better safety for the patient. It is also possible to adjust the depth of the water and turbulence as well as walking speed, so that each session can be specifically tailored to the individual dog.