What Is the AR Module?

ar module

What Is the AR Module?

If a ring is a set of smooth vector fields, then the set of all smooth functions defined on that ring form a module over the ring.

In mathematics, modules generalize the notion of abelian groups and are related to representation theory. They also play an important role in modern algebraic geometry and algebraic topology.


Invoices are the documents that record customer payments or credits on a customer account. They can be generated in different ways, including by using the Sales Order Entry program or by integrating with Job Billing and Material Sales. AR allows you to edit invoices and apply adjustments or credit memos.

In addition to generating invoices, the AR module also tracks receipts, payments and deposits. It can automatically post transactions to the General Ledger and can track bad checks, service charges and aging.

AR can also be used to print settlement discount and invoice ageing notes, which are used for billing customers based on the payment terms of an invoice. Invoices can also be grouped by category. This is useful if you need to report on customer groups that are different from each other, or that are similar in some way.

You can create invoices by entering information in the AR Invoice Entry form. You can also enter invoices from Shipments and Order records. This can be a helpful way to ensure that an AR Invoice is correctly tied to a shipment or order.

An AR Invoice can be edited from within the module in which it was created, or you can also create and update an AR Invoice using the Binoculars button on the Search of Open Invoices window. In either case, the Due Date and Invoice Balance fields default to the current system date. You can then change these values as required.

The AR Invoices form is accessed through the Entry Screens group of the Accounts Receivable Explorer. You can use the binoculars button to search for an open AR Invoices record or you can enter a Project ID.

When an AR Invoice is linked to a project, the Project ID field will display the name of the project on which it was created. This is only visible to organisations licensed to use the Project Management module.

If you have configured the AR Invoices table to include a Closed Fiscal Period status, the location on the header of an AR Invoice and a Payment or Credit Memo will be checked for this. If the location is in a closed period, an error message will be displayed.


The AR module enables departments to invoice and collect payment for goods and services while keeping accurate accounting of receivable balances. It also provides many useful reports and forecasting features to monitor receivables and payments.

Businesses can either follow a reactive or proactive approach when it comes to collecting payments from customers. In a proactive approach, the collections team prioritizes accounts based on their credit risk and follows up with them before the due date. This process helps reduce bad debts and increases the company’s cash flow.

Aside from that, an efficient and streamlined collection process will increase productivity of the collections team and enable them to work more effectively. However, these processes are usually manual and can be time-consuming.

For this reason, business owners are keen to shift to more automated solutions. These ar module solutions automate the entire accounts receivable workflow and eliminate tedious tasks such as data entry, reconciliation, and matching against invoices.

In addition, these solutions allow businesses to track their receivables, payments, and credits at a glance in one place. This is important for making informed decisions.

All AR deposits are required to include OSC form AC 3312-S filled out in its entirety. This will assist BSAO – Revenue Deposits in the review and posting of the transaction and is also used by DTF – Treasury to match to bank deposits.

The forms will also contain selected accounting data including chartfield string, agency contact information; a contact person who can answer specific questions about the transaction and a detailed description of the revenue being deposited that clearly supports the chartfield values (e.g. fund, account).

Additional backup may be submitted at the agency’s discretion via the Payments tab and is also required by BSAO – Revenue. Once notified by Treasury that the funds have been received and deposited at the bank, BSAO – Revenue will review and approve the transaction.

For these reasons, agencies should never select the ‘Batch Standard’ option when building worksheets for depositing to the GCA. This will cause the deposit to post to cash before it is deposited into the GCA and will result in reconciling discrepancies within SFS.

Credit Reports

A credit report is a summary of your personal financial history that creditors, lenders and other businesses use to evaluate your application for credit or other services. It includes your identifying information and details about your credit history, including how you pay your bills and whether you have filed for bankruptcy.

The three nationwide consumer reporting agencies — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — collect and maintain this information. They also issue credit reports to creditors and other businesses as permitted under law.

Lenders and other businesses use your credit report to help them decide if you are a good candidate for a loan or other type of credit, and what interest rates they will charge you. They may also use your credit report to make other decisions, such as whether to offer you insurance or rent a house to you.

Each of the nationwide credit bureaus has a different ar module view of your financial history. That’s why it is important to order your credit report from each of them, at least once a year, and to request that your information be updated whenever there are changes.

Your credit report is divided into four main sections: Public Records, Account Information, Inquiries and Credit Scores. The first section contains your identifying information, such as your name, address and date of birth. It also shows your current and past employers and where you live, as well as your debts and payment history.

The second section lists your accounts and a list of companies that have asked to see your credit report. This includes credit card and loan companies, as well as other lenders, insurance providers, utility and cell phone companies and landlords.

Inquiries are the names of entities that have requested your credit report within the last 90 days or have inquired about your credit in the past. Having a lot of inquiries can lower your credit score temporarily, but they do not affect your overall credit rating.

Your credit report is updated regularly by the three nationwide consumer reporting agencies as new information is reported to them and older information is gradually removed per federal retention requirements. Your credit report also changes as new accounts are opened, and old accounts are closed.

Transaction Reports

The AR module has a number of transaction reports that can be used to help with your Accounts Receivable process. These include an aging report, a receipts report, and a reconciliation report. These reports are useful when you need to reconcile transactional and accounting activity before you post to the general ledger.

Aging reports give you a snapshot of the outstanding balances for each customer. You can also use these reports to check the aging of transactions that are being sent to AR for approval.

In addition to aging, you can also run the Bills Receivable Summary report to obtain summary information about existing bills receivable. This report provides a summation of the amount and status of bills receivable by customer, by drawee, and by bill type.

Remittance Receipt Method: This option lets you specify the remittance receipt method for each bill receivable. The receipt method determines which remittance batch is included in this report. The remittance batch is the total amount of all the remittances for a specific drawee bank. The remittance bank account is the name of the remittance bank that you use to post the remittances to.

You can also use this report to find missing document sequence numbers, which are unique numbers assigned to transactions in the Audit and Transaction tables that can be used to account for all of your invoices, payments, and other transaction types. You can then reindex these transaction files using the Reindex Files program.

Adjustment Approval: This report displays your adjustments for each transaction in the invoice, payment, and credit report, including manual adjustments, AutoAdjustments, and invoices applied to commitments. Each adjustment has a status, creator, reason, and GL date. For each group of adjustments, Receivables prints the remaining balance due in your entered currency or functional currency, depending on the value of the Currency parameter.

Alternatively, you can use the Due Date Adjustment Days option to adjust your invoice due dates. This option lets you enter an integer between -9999 and 9999 that will be used as the base date for the final due date calculation.

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